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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hello, Dude and Dudess! :D

Duddess? Ahah, yeah, Nor Najla Nadhirah create this word for girl's Dude, k? Remember the name, Najla Nadhirah. My full name initials - N. I love the word N. I love to be called N. I love the names N. So, I have other nicknames, N. :D Yeah, mostly people love to call me Naj. Heh. I don't really like the name but, err, its up to you if you like to call me Naj. -,-'

Its Saturday! Huh! Time turns flames to ember. :P Chinese New Year Holiday start! Yes, our school's Chinese New Year holidays, 9 days! YA KNOW?! 9 DAYS! A WEEK! MORE THAN A WEEK! Okay, Najla, stoppit. Not stupid, kaaaay. So long time didn't check on my Twitter. But well, no ideeeaaa. And yeah, I didn't finish reading the whole story of Remember Me because, its getting boring, she's 21. xP She grows up. I'm only fourteen and still adolescent. Yeah, not ready for teenager but I love to be adolescent.

Okay. So weird why many people love K'Pop so much? :P And Justin Bieber? Well, I know why people love Bieber. He's "cute", "talented", "romantic", "good guy", "lovable", "my lover". Duh. Well, I don't care. Its none of my businesss, no offence, right? Every celebrities has their own lovers and haters. And everyone has their own opinions. Well, everyone loves Katy Perry xP. She's sweet as candy! And Taylor Swift...... she got hater -,-' . The reason why some people dislike Swift? She dates so many guys endlessly that they thought she's a playgirl. They thought she's lame. They hate country song. They thought she's hypocrite. ENOUGH! I love you, Swifty, no worries.

So, okay, done for now. Bye, dudes and dudesses. :)

najla :)

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