It had been long time no blog, so busy studying. School starts, want to go upper class, and blah blah blah. Okay, but I still blog when got time!
Before this, I only can draw using pencil on paper, but I just use Paint because I was so boring, and guess what? IT WORKED! :D Even, kinda funny. -,-' Don't laugh! Like your painting is good enough -.-'. If you do, then SHOW me. If you really good at it, I admire you very very much. But if you don't, my turn to laugh. HAHA.
Well, whoa, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson and Taylor Swift made it to Forbes 100! Guess what? Taylor Swift made it to number 7! WHOA! Gila kayaa. Kristen and Robert, Kristen 66, Robert 59. Ooh. Bestselling author like Stephanie Meyer and Stephen King made it to Forbes too! That's why authors are awesome. JK Rowling finished Harry Potter, no more in Forbes list ;/.
Well, I got new influenced quotes that I thought myself. If I can do it, If I want it, If I really confident about, If I have good feeling and able to do it, I just have to GO FOR IT WITHOUT DOUBT. Like really. I want to be doctor, I want to be author, I want to be murder detective. But what I really want, what I really need, what I really love, what I really interested and what I really think I can is being a doctor and an author. So I want to be both. Like my dad said, it's not impossible to carry two jobs in a same time if you can do and want it. Dr Mahathir was a doctor and in a same time a Prime Minister, he can do it. And many more. Is there no any woman to be example? xD I've to find out!
So, okay, done for now. Sejarah okaay what even though Cikgu Hasnah teach us x) . But, never mind. If I want to get A, anything's possible, even love Teacher Hasnah ;)
Gotta go for now.
Truly Typing,
najla n. a. :)
najla n. a. :)
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