And it's a dammitation. Never heard the word? It's dammit-ation :P. Not hello, hello my name's Dibo -,-' . I'm not that purple gift dragon. I'm neither purple dinosaur not purple gift dragon -______-. But, dude, purple's awesooomee maann. :D
Okay. About the title. YES. EXAMINATION. BM not making any sense AT ALL. The ringkasan. SERIOUS, MAN. And Math, damn, I answered 902 = 810, can you believe it?! It should be 8100 == . Andthenandthenandthen, the good news is, I did this more than and less than symbol question, BOOYAH! I answered correct even without thinking. It was the hardest and I 'hentam je' and guess what? SUJA (the best student fer me) said A too! I answered A! YAYAYAYAYAYYY!
Okay, don't be too confident.
Okay, about Sejarah, (wait, how many times did I say 'okay'?) DAMMIT. Form 2 Bab 2 cikgu tak ajar. Because what? Der, cikgu give birth, nak tengok anak cikguu! *psst, tetiba je.* And Sejarah masuk sampai bab 2 ke 3? BECAUSE I DIDN'T HAVE CHANCE TO READ THEM. Haih, so regret. And theeeennn, um, um, um, oh, yes, I can't believe I answered all the questions so quick. And guess what? Some of my estimation (psst, estimation lah sangat) are correct! But, dude, AAH. So, until the question 40, I started to 'lembab-lembab' :P . Because it reached Bab 2 -,- . But as I finished answer them all, still got time. AAAAAAAAH.
It's okay. 3 papers past. Like I said I want to get AT LEAST 5/8 As. So, I have to study harder! == . Tomorrow BI (YAY! But, I'm getting lower :/), Science (OH MAN! STUDYSTUDYSTUDYYY!) and Geo (Totally DAMNATION!)
So . Be . Ready . Najla . BEWARE OF THE PAPERS.
Faithfully Typing,
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