Life's sucks and I'm sickkk of it. Ohoho. :p Well, it's true we all hate tests. God test us with what you called "crap" or "shit". No. It's a test. We have a problem, it's a test. We won lottery, it's a test. Life's a test. Xiangjun, you copycat from Grey's Anatomy, so shut up :p.
We got sick, it's a test. We got dumped, it's a test. Stupid friends, it's a test. Jerawat, it's a test (dontgetoffended,nik.notyoulanikahmedizhan:P). Eh, Nikah? :P Nik Ahmed heh. Muehehe. *gilagilagila.
Oh, right now, I'm currently facing the best Chinese xD. Man, I love friends with Chinese! They're so funny ouh! Especially Wan Yi and Xiangjun XD LOL!
Okay, I was talking about test right? OKAY, test.
Dah dah, I want to talk about the Civic Education test just now, LOL!
16. Abang kamu menduduki tempat pertama di dalam pertandingan nyanyian. Apakah tindakan yang perlu kamu lakukan?
You know what I answered?
C. Mengejek kemenangannya.
I mean, duh? It's an honest answer. It's the truth, I'll be laughing so hard if my brother won singing competition xD.
No, I'm just joking. I really want to answer that. But, of course I had to answer the good thing.
D. Mengucapkan tahniah. -,-
Ohmigosh, I'm such an evil sister xD
Oh, got more!
Visi SUBEST adalah (i forgot what's the question)
C. Melahirkan modal INSANE xD
OHMIGOSH, best gilaaa xD. K, you're not laughing, its lame right, I'm annoying. :P
Faithfully, Najla.
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