So, I'm watching Jar of Hearts music video again. I want to be Simon Cowell for a while. Wait, tu jahat sangat :p. Please don't get offende my dear SC. Hihi, siap panggil initials lagi. Okay, the guy's not really good-looking, sorry. Christina's voice kinda like old. In Galaxie she looks beautiful but in this video, um, less cute. x) I love her hair, her dress with the boots. I love when the girls attacked the guy. Alololo, sweetnya, padan muka kau, the guy. Ingat handsome sangat lah? Sorry lah, perempuan Melayu macam Najla Nadhirah pun tak minat lah. Najla ni taste dia tinggi, jangan nak merendah-rendahkan taste Najla okay. Terima kasih kepada English novel kerana menaikkan taste ciri-ciri lelaki idaman :p. Who do you think you are, the guy?! Heh, the guy. -,- Okay lah, not nice to judge people. Usually, people who TOO picky will get loss instead of get the best. Kind of like, worthless la. Ngeh, suka hati aku lah nak memilih. Even at my own school, only TWO guys I think they're... good-looking. Seriously. Btw, banyak tattoo lah Kak Christina ni.. Eh, Kak kan? Bukan Makcik? Betul la, Kak. :p Macam dia tua sangat.
Speaking of crush. *clear-throats* Yes. There's this two guys. Both I know since I was 11. Both HAD a crush on me but I didn't know if I liked them or not. Macam biasa je perasaan walaupun dua ekor tu okay jugak. Both, I don't know which one's my first love because I was in like (apa pulak love pulak kan pulak? kecik lagi, tak matang :p) with both of them in once. Eh, not really lah, I had a crush on this 1. Number 2 after a few.... months kot. And you know what? Both are my ex and I think I over number 2 tapi sombong mamat ni sekarang. Dulu baik je dia. Tapi boleh pulak hari tu ada eye-contact dengan dia? Masa tu aku nak buang sampah, yela, aku makan dalam kelas, dia pulak lalu kelas pun sama tingkat. No one was looking at us. When he was walking, he saw me, I saw him, our eyes connected and I don't know how our eyes stuck on each other like being stuck with elephant glue (gam gajah lah, mangkut pinggan tingkat ayun payung sudu garpu). -,- Okay, drop the number 2 subject. Yang si mamat number 1 ni pulak, I don't know lah, we still communicate by text and Facebook. Hish, whatever. Tak matang lagi nak bercintan-cintun-cintin ni. Masa kat university, oooh. Ceh, Najla, nak berangan lak kau. STUDY.
Okay then. EH EH!!! BEAUTY And THE BEAST LAH!!! KAT DISNEY! MALAM NI!! YAAAAAAAAAAY! Okay, got to go now, I want to watch Beauty and The Beast! NOT Beastly okay. Jangan kau nak perasan eh, Abang Alex Pettyfer. :p Nanti lah tengok abang. Buekk, geli aku abang-abang ni. Abang sendiri pun aku tak panggil abang. Debab ngan Apish je. :p BYEEEEEEE!
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