TheLittleCrazySisters :')
Oh, thanks Lissa for the tudung :-)
Okay........ why the hell do I always start my speech with 'okay'? Speech? Kinda speech, okay. Okay okay okay. You can count how many okays in my post starting from now! Dup dup dup. Okay I'm being ridiculous. I don't know, maybe okay is my trademark :p . Who answer how many okays in my blog correctly will get something! Tell me in my chatbox! LOL seriously jobless.
TheLittleCrazySisters :')
Oh, thanks Lissa for the tudung :-)
You know what? I think you know. That I want to stop giving damn on everything. Do you know the reasons? *Yes!* *No.* *I think I do...* *Hell no!* Okay I was talking to myself.... I mean, when I see everyone's face, I feel like they're judging me. When I'm talking to them, they're like, ah who cares about this stupid girl. And about everyone's life, I feel like, like... like... like how my ex easily replace me.....like how my bestfriend's not really like my bestfriend.......like how.... like..... just everything that happens. Like.... why the hell people unfollow me on Twitter... Like who has a crush on me.... like.... you know..... k. Like that. So yeah. Like.... why am I so ug---- pretty? Lol k joking. Like..... my insecurities. I should just stop giving damn!
Whatever okay I don't want to care about it. Or at least, ACT like I don't care. Pfffffftttzz. I'm febulez. I'm fentestik. I'm owsem. I'm glamz. Hi you olls, dah makan? Lol depuqq why the hell am I acting like those fabulous Twitter famous. They're just so glams and fabulous :B
It's 2am. And I'm in my bedroom alone. Listening to Christina Perri's songs. With me sleepless. I am so forever insomniac. Hey, Adam Young, we're so meant for each other! K liar. Blame Twitter for everything! For my bad result, my insomnia (wait, I am an insomniac since before Twitter's fabulous life exist), for how I am so addicted to you! Okay, my fault, too.
And now... I say goodbye~~~ . Sorry. #np Tragedy. OH PERRI PERRI I LABCHUU! But, I don't really into Nandos Hot Chilli Peri-peri. Eh right? :3
So how's my lifeless life? Good. Nothing much happens. I guess. Sixth weeks and still counting lol. So long time no post in my secret tumblr. My seriously secret tumblr. Have to put password to access in :P. Maybe because.... nothing secret. Maybe. Or... no more pain much. Nothing to write. I guess I'm good now. Yeah I'm good :-). Except, like always, I'm a rebel. You can judge me for my offence.
Oh yes. Examination. Science; It was....aah so many careless. BM; I don't know why the hell I became worse in Bahasa Melayu. asdfghjkl. Sejarah; CARELESS. FREAKIN CARELESS. FREAKIN STUPID CARELESS. FREAKIN STUPID LITTLE MISTAKE. How dumb I am right. Blame me. Kill me now. English; Even better. I just write whatever I want. Well, write article about canteen - I just write #likeaboss. Sherlock Holmes? hell awesome. I just write about Turner and McCarthy. I just write and ignored my grammar mistake. Hmm. Oh. Summary? HOHO. I drew two boxes. One being crossed, because I wasn't satisfied. So there was half an hour more, I just do it again. I did English for an hour (plus wasted times with drawing my test pad). Yeah, this is how I was doing my essay. I just use any words I want without care what the hell does it mean. Awesome, yeah? I know. Teacher's eyes gonna get like this: O_O . I'm serious.... I guess.
So yeah. Sorry if my stupid grammar mistakes bugs you. I love English so much that I just keep writing.
Stay fantastic, stay being yourself,
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