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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Its A Beautiful Nightmare.

Yesterday, I technically finished reading Remember Me by Christopher Pike. But, like Dark Visions, it is 3 in 1 book. Remember Me, The Return and The Last Story. I knew who's the murderer. I knew it was her! I knew the truth. It was so funny about Shari and Peter! :D Shari Cooper is a girl who's the story teller, who's the dead. But if you read it until the end, you'll know. But let me warn you earlier; it is fiction. It is not making sense at all. Remember that. :D Wow, Christopher Pike, you're a man but how you write these stuffs about girls? &&& Remember Me was written in 1989. Yupp.

I just read a chapter of The Return. About Jean *I forgot her last name* who doesn't want to be her mother (who pregnant at the age of 18), who is pregnant, she's 18, didn't tell her mother yet about her pregnancy, going to her boyfriend's party at the same date Shari was died (Shari died at her friend's party, from the balcony), wearing the same colour of shirt like Shari when she's dead. (I believe now that the book was written in 1989 because, who would wear yellow shirt at her friend's party? :P) and who has a best friend who is a lesbian, the first person to know she's pregnant.

So okay. I understand her in just one chapter.

Last night, I had a dream. About a person I really know. It's kind of like wonderful. I can't forget it until now! It just so... wow. Felt so real and... like I don't want to wake up. Then I awoke and see my cell, it was 5 am. Its about this person. But this person, I should not think of this person. Its a nightmare. It really is a nightmare because it still haunting me but... it was beautiful. I was amazing. Wonderful! And I miss it.

Well. Never mind.

Truly Typing,

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