this blog is just my past now. sometimes i'm only here for occasional rants/lepaskan geram that i hope no one will read anymore.

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Friday, January 21, 2011

You Don't Need To Show Off.

You're goddamn handsome? Hell no. You have such a fair skin? Heck no. You're good-looking? Dude, duh? You're religious? Puh-lease. You're perfect? Totally 150% no. Yeah, we were best friend, right? Well, we WERE. And now, you ignorant, not anymore.

Yes, I'm a good friend of your ex. But you're the BEST friend of my ex, am I right? DUH. You selfish like a fish. Well, fishes better that you, ya see.

K. Done.

So, Formspring. I laughed when read a blog, he said he just doesn't checked his formspring in two weeks and now he got 1000+ in his inbox. HEH. I only left 2 days and I got 1000+ questions. *stop showing off, Najla, you so ignorant in answering those "questions". Yes, I have such a few followers in Blogger. And I am underdog at school. But, do I care about it? And yeah, I have 10 friends liking my photos, that's the benefits to have many friends. Well, d-d-d-d-duuude. I am underdog. I mean, undercat? I love being a nerd. A geek. A ridiculous. An estupido (in a good way, not study). A crazy. An all-nice girl (kot). A simple. Loud. Lonely sometimes. A less-emotion. An ignorant (but nice). A single without crush and admirer. Well, do I care? No. Because why? I am AWESOME. And proudly to say that I never had a boyfriend before. No exes at all. Well, ex-crush? Yeah. -,-

So, don't sick of me. And I know I love to start sentence with the word 'so'. But, SO what?

And, to be honest, *sniffs* I *took a deep breath but heart still pound* I am sick of everyone. I don't like everyone. I mean, not all. I guess I could feel what my number 1 best friend, Aishah feels. How I dislike some people. I couldn't help it. And this is my life. My thought. So what? I don't care. You don't deserve to get hurt of my post because I don't write it for you. I write it for nobody who exist. So don't worry. Chill, I don't give a damn.

I got hurt and betrayed for many times and I know you ever felt it too. Simple Plan, I feel it. The Welcome To My Life song. I could feel it. Every time I sing it out loud, I feel, better. And better. And better. Most people would probably call it.. releasing tension. I am after all, depress. But I don't think of myself that way.

And if I ever want to say goodbye to you, my famous last word would probably;

Remember me.

The nerd. The geek. The ridiculous. The estupido (in a good way, not study). The crazy. The all-nice girl (kot). The simple. Loud. Lonely sometimes. The less-emotion. The ignorant (but nice). The single girl without crush and admirer and not available. Well, do I care? No. Because why? I am AWESOME. And proudly to say that I never had a boyfriend before. No exes at all. Well, ex-crush? Still, I'm amazing. Wait no, I'm Najla. The Nor Najla Nadhirah. Simple.

Truly Typing,

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