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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Man, dude, I'm Dying to Own This.

It turned out, not bad life without phone. More fun. No need to worry about credit, money, late replies, bored-need-friends-text-time, charging battery and stuffs. Yadda yadda yadda. And then when we late reply, we have to say sorry. When we send message to someone and they late reply, we'll feel mad and uneasy and blah blah. DUUUUUUUDE?! Life's easier without phone. And technologies. I mean, we always bored because without technologies, we doing nothing. Look past, they're better. That time, no technologies, so what? They were free to go anywhere, playing without care about dirts and stuffs, no criminal. Now? My gosh. And I'm addicted to technogies because without them, I AM BORED. IKR?!

So, okay. About the title, teehee. :) I want this phone so badly since LAST YEAR. :L

Btw, yesterday, yay! Purple won! Orange lose! Take THAT, Bunjot -,-' . Fatin and Abu are purple lover so thanks to them. It's not about rumah sukan because Abu is "too" loyal to Beta -,-' . Go blue. :P But I'm still Omega, purple! So, if there's any colour war, I would gladly fight for purple and black. And white and blue. :)

So, k. GTG, bye!

The very true,

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