this blog is just my past now. sometimes i'm only here for occasional rants/lepaskan geram that i hope no one will read anymore.

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Monday, January 31, 2011

T'be Honest, D'ya understand mah blog font?

Well, just curious. -,-' Today's Farhanah's birthday! Yay! :D Haha. Birthday kawan je excited. Its not your birthday and you don't even get presents. But I still excited every time it's my friend's birthday. Tomorrow's February! Nad and Shaa's birthdaaaaayy. Then March! Lissa, Tyha and Mai's birthdaaaaaaay. Gosh, they get older, while me still young. Haha, pretty much. -,-'

Starting from February 1st, insyaAllah, I want to? Hijrah. :) Ya know, pakai tudung. Lissa, teach me how to wear tudung. Eceh, kau, Najla. But, yeah, I do. But, not sure - yet. I meeeeean, not sure if I'm ready. It's time to "practice". Fuh. But, dude, I still swearing. Wait, no. Wait, sometimes. :P

Anywaaaaaaays, it's Chinese New Year, holiday, BORED. Do you know what's the meaning of holiday? HOLI - ENJOY - GLEE - FUN. Got it?! But why it turn out to be DAMN - BORED - UGH? Darmn. ;p

Kay, Actually I said, Mom, let's go to Penang! But my mom said, "Later laa..." -,-'

So, okay, GTG for now. My mommah's cousin will come. Have to clean up house -,-' . Bloggiee latiee byee.

Faithfully writing,

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