this blog is just my past now. sometimes i'm only here for occasional rants/lepaskan geram that i hope no one will read anymore.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Finally finished make a new layout. It is simple, yes, because I just, too simple. I am sick of patterns and stuffs in my blog. Well, no offense, right? This is more like a diary, huh, yeah.

Okay. Class. Yes. BI lesson, we have to switch places. I love it more :P. But yeah, I have to sit beside guys like duh. Actually, already 3 weeks but I just say it now. In BI lesson, in front me - Qudssia. Beside Qudssia, Ariff Danial -,-' . Beside ME, Izzat Syahmi. == . While average place, my front ; Shafiq son of Sahruddin -.- , beside him Wafiiiiie. == Beside me, Shahira. :P

So. Yeah, this is my blog handwriting. So like me. Haha. Smart :D . Kay, GTG. Bye!

Truly Typing,

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