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Sunday, January 23, 2011


Lalalalalalalalalalalalala. Last night I watched Khurafat, that whoa movie, yes, scary ya know. Dinasihatkan yang ada sakit jantung, tolong jangan pergi tengok cerita or else, you're gonna die. I guarantee that. :P Serious, and even though I shut my eyes, ( i know, i am coward ) I knew how's the ending. Duh, I could hear it? Suara goddamn kuat ouh.

K. Mom. I can't believe you asked me to come with you so you can buy me books. But you know, ada buku 10 ringgit je, murah kan kan kaaaaaaaaan? :D Buku almost RM40 ada kat satu kedai at Cineleisure, ONLY RM10 ! And ada buku Narnia, only RM 15, but, tu Trilogy, boring :P. But, dah buruk sikit lah buku-buku tu. But, its RM10, I just want to read! ;O Thirst no 2 ( I have to buy the no 1! Even its not RM 10 ;/) by Christopher Pike! :D , Night World No 3 ( MUST HAVE NO 1 AND 2 ) by LJ. SMITH!! and Summer Camp Secret in one set, three in one by Katy Grant (the name sounds familiar). Yeah, all thick book. Summer Camp is about twelve years old girls in Haven Pine Camp. Kaaaaay, lama tak beli buku-buku macam tu. Usually I love to buy Dark books. x)

Okay, okaaaaaaaaaaay. La-la-la-la-la-love What The Hell by Avril Lavigne. Xiangjun, best lah. Yerr. :D


Truly Typing,

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