Right. So, another 200 pages to finish reading Night World by the best author, LJ Smith! ;D Weird enough I read from no 3. But, not that really matter because, each story in Night World about different people who broke the rules - falling in love. Well, it's still adventurous. I want to buy no 1 and 2 but guess what? NONE. Book stores only sell new books. Damn eet. -,-' I bought Thirst no 2 (Christopher Pike), and I want to buy no 1 but nope. Only no 3! NOT EVEN NO 2 AT ALL! So, the last time I went to book stores (last Sunday), well, my aunt treat so I bought The Forbidden Game by LJ Smith x). Well, I just go for it. Who cares? I'll read it anyway. I won't read Thirst no 2 until I read the no 1. Well, I don't really like Christopher Pike anymore. x) Okay, sorry, I'm just, too addicted to books muchh. OH btw, I don't think I could finish read the Summer Camp Secret. I guess, it's not me. I'm not that too girly teenage 12-14 years old something. Because of you, Beautiful Creatures.
K. Weird enough I babble much. I don't know. I babble and mumble and I don't even know what am I saying. I don't know how I ended up as a mumbler and babbler. -,-' But, I enjoy it because, err, it's fun. You know, something just happen whatever. I guess I mumble again. I mumble at the teacher, the van driver and the makcik canteen too. Gosh, what happen to me?! And I keep saying "err" "um" "uh" "ah" "..I-I.." and startle and mumble again.
Well, whatever.
Today I think was one of the most, blur/mumble/stupid/damn day ever. No one ride in my school van so I ended up left the van and let it go. :P Because I'm too stupid and coward and "shy" to go alone in the van. Ugh, when you will change?! And then, I "drag" Syakira to the phone booth, borrow her money, drink some of her drinks. I owe you a lot, Syakira, I know. And then and then and then, I ended up (again) ride Syakira and Hanis's van. Cik or Che(?) Ain's van. I am so embarrassed of myself. Kill me, damn me, hate me, I will get French Connection United Kingdom's awesome outfits just for myself and make you regret. -,-' Okay, forget it.
And oh! Co-curriculum, the club I suppose to be join in is Media and stuffs I don't know, but, damn you teacher, kick us out because you only choose 2 Einstein, 3 Helium (no Hidrogen?) and 5 Solaris. Hekeleh. And why Einstein? I think Helium and Hidrogen has more ideas that Einstein does. Einstein good at education but, what about interesting stuffs? So I choose.... English! MORE BETTER than Media something. Besides, I still remember how I was so confuse to choose which one's my first choice? Between Media or English? I waste my correction tape just to think of it. First, English, then changed Media and so on, then it turned out I'd choose Media as my choice no 1. Whatever. And now, yay! I got English and I don't need to confuse or blur anymore. I was sitting same table as Xiangjun, Vanessa, Priya, Suja and Thivyah! I know I was the only Malay but, 1 MALAYSIA maaan! And I enjoyed myself very much ;) . With the cold air-cond in the library, weehee! Oh, btw, Mai so lucky everyone drags her to stay being one of the Media something stuffs. (sorry broken English but if you read Izzat Syahmi's English, you'll laugh so hard).
Speaking of library, I'd read a book called Almost Fifteen by Marilyn Sachs (whoaa, did I just memorize the title and the author?!) . It was fantastic, just reached chapter 5 ;). And speaking of Izzat Syahmi, I'm confused, is the head big or his body small? :P Because, I think his head not too big (and because of his head, he's taller than me). Err, never mind, forget it.
Thank you for reading my damned blog. Btw, maaaan, Miles Heizer was GORGEOUS. I saw him in Parenthood! He's getting hotter and gorgeous and cuter and lucky no one really knows him! Even is they Google his name, only his old pictures/images appeared and they won't see how gorgeous he is. HA! My celebrity crush, the best of all. Goodbye, Logan Lerman, Cole Sprouse, Skandar Keynes, David Henrie, William Mosely, Justin Bieber :P (tipu jee, I never like him) and um, Princes from the fairytales. Oh, Ethan, Gabriel, you're not celebrity, you're not even exist.
Sincerely truly typing,
PS: Heehee, Lissa masuk PJK, booyah, her admirer pun ada. Yeah, esok siap dia, mesti dia happy gilaaa Lissa masuk sama kelab dengan dia xD. Hehe, siap kau Mamat, aku nampak kau nak tersengih tadi ;D Haha! :D I enjoy secrets.
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