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Friday, February 11, 2011

Unintentionally Mission - Accomplished. I'm Fearless. -,-' and Stupid.

HELLO! I love the word 'hello' than 'hey'. Hey, what's with me?! Whatever. Hii, baby, baby, baby oooooohh! Ew, I want to vomit right now. Kay, forget about Bieber, tak penting pun. All right, there's so many things I want to talk about. Kinda interesting, I guess? HIHI :D

So. Wassupp, bebeh. ;D Hey, no offense for the 'bebeh' word. So, today was an unexpected daayy. I'd been left by van. Can you believe that? -______________-" Yes. Like Xiangjun said "this is the third time". Oh really? IDK ABOUT THAT. So I hanged out Xiangjun and Vanessa. You know what? You know what? Xiangjun kept going there and there like she used magic spell :P. I thought she went home. More than three times. -,-' Vanessa, your hair, keep flying and flying but your voice, what happened maa? I asked Vanessa if she could accompany me to the phone booth and borrow her money. Haih, Najla, Najla. So I called my daddy. I said "Pa, I've been left by the van driver, could you tell mom to pick me up before Voldemort catch me?" Xiangjun laughed xD. But guess what? My dad can't hear my jokes so I had to be serious and said "Pa, I've been left. Again. Call mom to pick me up?"

Kay. So the two crazy childish Chinese (Super Triple C!) wanted to go to the canteen. I bought a hundred plus. Then, guess what? MY MOM'S THERE! I ran to go to the car but... I've been left. Again. With the witness - Nik and the gang. -,-' I couldn't chase the caaaar! Then, sorry 100 Plus. I crushed it. Unfinished. Until my hand got sticky. -,-

I went to the phone booth again. I bought 100 Plus so I got 20 cents with me. Guess what? My dad and my brother didn't answer my phone and I finished my money. YAY!

So, finally. Finally what? FINALLY VANESSA WENT HOME. And then what? NIK AND THE GANG WENT HOOOOOME. So pity me. Then, got a form five girl, I went talk to her. Yay, at least I wasn't alone, right? Then suddenly I saw she was on call. SHE BROUGHT HER PHONE! SHE BROUGHT HER PHONE! HER PHONE! She asked if I want to use it. FOR SURE. I texted my dad. Nope ;(

Then finally I decided the stupidest decision ever. By walk. From Subang Bestari to Nusa Subang. Alone.

Alright, here's the good part. My journey from school to home by walking - alone. Let me make it colour purple?

Once upon a time, Najla was left by her van because she didn't realize at all and by her mom because she went to the canteen, wasting RM1. 80 to buy 100 Plus. How lazy she is, she decided to go home by walk. With the Sun so hot, she prayed. And pray. And pray. Saying the God's name, Allah. Saying Prophet Muhammad's name, she walked endlessly. She sang What The Hell by Avril Lavigne and imagined how Avril Lavigne walked and sang. She kept on walking and walking. Less cars, it's possible if got bad people. She suddenly imagined when Kaitlyn Fairchild was being followed by a bad guy. So continued saying Allah's name. She prayed. Asked Allah to give her strength and patience. So she kept on walking and walking and walking. She reached Petronas. Man, empty pocket -,-'. So she kept on walking. And all the song she could think of is What The Hell. So she sang it again. All my life I've been good, but now, whoa, I'm thinking 'What the hell?!'. It was kinda true. "Man, still far, man." She breathed. She didn't want to stop. She said to herself, "Never stop walking. Just keep on walking" over and over. Her left shoes were untied. "Who cares?! I don't want to stop or else I'll be tired. Ugh" she said to herself. Walking, baby, walking, baby. Then, she reached her old primary school. She was too think of going home so, sorry, no nostalgia flashback. She kept on walking and walking. Endlessly. Then she met a road seller (broken English, maann). She smiled at her. "Your house still far away?" Najla giggled. "Yeah, I got left." The seller laughed. So, Najla kept on walking and walking and walking. Walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk. Breath breath breath. Like Michelle Branch's song. "Okay, Najla, you're strong. You're strong. You're fearless. You're fearless! Today was an adventurous day for you, Najla." So, she kept on walking with her untied left shoes. Walk walk walk walk walk. Yay, she reached her house's area! Then, another thing. While she was so happy, "Bark! Bark!" Damn, a dog. She was shocked to death. The dog was looking at her. She thought "If I ran, the dog will chase me. Plus, I'm damned tired. If I stop, I'm afraid I will got more tired and the dog will go closer to me. Ya Allah, Ya Allah Ya Allah Y Allah. Let me just walk. If the dog chased, I just have to run, end of the story." So she kept on walking. And walking and walking. Yay, the doggie didn't chase me! But kept on barking. She should sing "Whataya want from me?!" . Finally reached to the mamak stall and Top Seafood. The lost boys (Idontknowwhoarethem) were there and said "Go home, go home" in sarcastic way. STHU. not SHTI. Shut The Hell Up. So she walk and walk and walk, my shoes took off. Ugh. She wore it like wearing slippers. So, she kept on walking, she almost reached to the "hill". But she could stand it anymore, she had to stop and tied her shoes just liddat. Better. But more tiring. She climbed up with exhaustion. One step 30 seconds. :P Well, fine, 5 seconds? Walk walk walk walk walk. Reached to the guard. Smile and pose. Well, not pose. And not so smile because she was too tired. But still smiling. Yay, reached at the park. Man, still feels like far away. Walk walk walk walk. There was a cat. It looked like it was going to attacked her. She stared at the cat and then looked away, trying to ignore. Walk. Another cat, hiding under the lorry. 'I saw you but I wanna go home.' So there it was. Her home was just straight way. It felt like she got back from her imagination, seriously. Because she looked at her home like she haven't been home for so long. Finally, she reached her home. Thanks to Allah and worth the energy from 100 Plus.

The End.

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