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Monday, February 14, 2011

Insanity is Awesome.

For those who'd read my Kaitlyn Duchannes blog, oops, sorry. Too long the post. :P I went to school, I was effing crazy and I keep singing Here Comes Your Man by Meaghen Smith (how many times you wanna say it?) . And, there's just so many things I DON'T WANT to say but, whatever.

For the first time, Nur Lissa Asyura binti Ghazali broke a record. She skipped school today. I know she has a fever but, I still couldn't believe she skipped today. And tomorrow's Maulidur Rasul. Lissa oh Lissa. Get well soon, sweetheart.

I'd watch Adventure Land twice. The first time I watched, I was excited because, Kristen Stewart bebeh. The second time I watched, that is just now (figuratively, I didn't really watch it. Just sneak peek :P), I notice that guy was the one who played Mark Zuckerberg in Social Network. I mean, the first time I watch Adventure Land, Social Network wasn't exist yet. :P. But after I watched Social Network, I forgot he's the guy from Adventure Land -,-'

History, History. My History teacher got birth and now, I don't know who take her place teaching us History. Please don't Puan Hasnah. x) How can I get As when no teacher teaching? I guess I have to study myself. -,-'

Speaking of subjects, exam another like 6 days. UGH! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE! I WANNA GET AT LEAST 5As and GET ON THE TOP.

So. Xiangjun and Man Ning wished me Happy Valentine's Day. You all so sweet but I'm not celebrating it :) . I don't even know who's Valentine and I don't even love Valentine and all. And I'm not Christians. I am proudly Muslim. Xiangjun, you're free-thinker right? Man Ning? Are you Buddhism? Um, if I'm not mistaken. Pardon me if I'm wrong.

I want to watch Disney's old stories. Princesses, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Pocahontas, blah blah blah :)

And if possible, if only there's Romeo and Juliet's movie :). I know it's tragic but still. Oh Shakespeare. Btw, look at this link. It was like yesterday my brother said my hair's like her :P

Speaking of brother, thanks, Apish (I call him that so? and no spelling error man!) for trusting my opinions on fashion and ask my opinion on what shirt should you buy. :D Debab (he's not really fat, he WAS fat but that time I was still baby so I don't know how was he look like when he was so chubby), thanks a lot for pulling-pushing my shoulder. At first my sister (Kaklong) asked me if I want to come with her wait in the car while Apish choose what shirt to buy. Debab pushed my shoulder to come with her but Apish said to Kaklong that I stay (to help him) and Debab pull back my shoulder :P.

And the Burger King. It was my first burger with me wearing tudung. What a complicated xD. The tudung, sigh. Apish said, "Stop thinking of the tudung and just finish your whopper." and Kaklong said "You don't look like makcik, your face's childish. Don't worry." and Apish said again "Rambut sikit je. Biar je." :P Gee, thanks.

Yesterday I went to KLCC again because my lil sister, Batrisya wanted to buy toys. At first she bought a... kind of cashier at Toys 'R Us but she pressed it a lot after we opened the box at the Burger King so, it was stuck and we have to exchange (Honestly, do you honestly understand what am I saying right now?). So, we told the sales lady (right? ;P) and she was like blaming us. Shut up, girl, it's the toy's problem xD. So, Batrisya didn't want the cashier anymore (pulookk) and finally, we bought her a... I don't what thing. Strawberry Shortcake ;)

I want the poker at Toys 'R Us so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadly!! :( Apish, Debab! JOM LAH BELI BENDA TUUUUU! Got membership already, RM 99.90 :( Without membership, Almost or about I don't know RM 200 :((

Okay. Gotta go, byebye. Man, I'm so hungry, where's my brother?! -,-'

PS: Sorry for horrible, terrible English.

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