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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Avalon High, Avalon High.

Avalon High was my favourite book. And it still does. It's my all-time favourite book. And now it will be in Disney movie, which I'm so excited because I've read it since last year. But, man, I'm a girl who never satisfied. You see, I haven't watch it yet, but, when I saw the cast, read the characters and stuffs, I am so...mad. I want it to be exactly like in the book. They can make it simpler but, THEY CAN'T CHANGE THE NAMES AND THE...CHARACTERS. Well, I know, I am a judgmental.
All right. Here's the thing. The main character's name is... Elaine. Yes, Elaine. But she thought the name's too... old-fashioned or stuff, so she likes to call herself ELLIE. But in the movie, it was called Allie. The name's Allie. AND IT IS TOTALLY WRONG. Will, the guy's name likes to call her Elle that make Ellie felt...melt? But, how can he called in the movie? Alle? -,-' And the star who plays Ellie, or should I say Allie? The star, Britt Robertson is blond. Like in the movie. Ellie supposed to be dark-haired and tall, almost like Will. And they're perfect for each other.

Okay. I am excited because Molly Quinn, the one who plays Castle's daughter, Alexis in Castle, my favourite show was one of the star as Jen but the thing is, Jen's blond, Molly's hair kinda like... orange? She deserves to play Kaitlyn Fairchild more in Dark Vision, is there is the movie. Hope so.

I know, it's just a small thing but for a big fan like me, it's a big thing. Sorry.

Meg Cabot, I love you. I have like... I don't know, about ten books written by you! I love you, Cabot. :) But right now, I'm sorry I love L.J. Smith. But, you both are my favourite authors :)

Truly Typing, Faithfully,

PS: I'm watching Hannah Montana The Movie, I miss my idol, Miley. But now, it seems different now. No more Miley, the one I idolize when I was young. The one I want to be. So, kids, be yourself if you love any of the teen idol. Thank you.

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