Until now my waist, my legs, my head still pains. God, it pains. Dang. And headaches. Oh gosh, I told you I hate running!!! And Teha got 7th place and Nad got 14th place for P2 Girls category (only form 3 yeaaah. P1 - form 1-form 2, P3 Form 4-form 5) so there wasn;t much kiddos, only us ^^
Oh yeah, I saw my ex and his girlfriend dating hehehehehe whatever I'm okay, I dated Alya and Nasuha so what................................................
Ugh, why I just found the mp3 after the road run?! Why not the night before the stupid running?!?!?!?!

So yeah. Oh by the way, I studied Science! You know? Revising and studying for next chapter!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha k.
I studied chapter 4................. But, it's not that I have dirty mind ok! D: It's just more... "science" ya know. I mean, hey, I wanna be a doctor lol.

And I studied Stars and Galaxies. I kinda almost cry when read "Death of Stars" and "The stars will die......" thingy. *singing 'and the tears stream down my face~*

Of course I didn't cry like that. I said I almost cry. ALMOST. ALMOST. ALMOST. Get it? Good.
And by the way, two of the stages of death of large stars are Muse's song title! Like Suppermassive Black Hole and Neutron Star Collision. Hihihi. And also in Train's Drops of Jupiter song lyrics also, what, are you singing about Science? lol.
Lately, I feel like, my old self come back to me. You know, the bad me. The what-I-hate-the-most-about-myself-you-know-what-makes-me-want-to-transform. I hate this. I hate this. What if hati aku dah di tutup? What if aku memang jahat? Why.............. Why....... WHY?!?!
I told you I should deactivate Twitter.
Wait, is it helping?
I don't know.
I can't even stop loving music.
I really should learn more good English words. More high class. I should be more creative.
My attitude.
My English.
My Malay.
My rapping style, you know, rapping's kinda cool....
My creativity.
My imagination.
My style of conversation.
My style.
My ways of speaking.
My study.
My ways of behave. (same as attitude right..........)
Thank you for wasting your time reading my craps. Jasamu amat dikenang. Muah kiri, muah kanan, tengah tak perlu. I love you so much, I feel like throwing................................. flowers. Sorry to those who allergic to flowers, I don't wanna be a murderer.

PS: Tadi saya tak sekolah. Dan saya tak ada nombor cikgu. Nanti nak face-to-face cakap, cikgu, saya ada masalah. Saya hanya tidur siang sebab itu saya tak pergi sekolah. Betapa besarnya pengorbanan saya, sanggup datang kesekolah walaupun patutnya saya tidur. Lap cikgu sampai shiny guna handkerchief comel sebab saya comel.
ReplyDeleteoops sorry tercapslock tanda emo.haha
same!i want to improve my english too!
wish i can use high cass english words in blog T.T
But you're in university now....... tsk tsk.
DeleteAnd yes! But I think your English's great! Better than mine :-(