Yes, I want to talk about myself. Yes, call me a freak. Call me whatever you want. Like Foster The People said, 'Call It What You Want'. Eh, eh, eh, call it what you want. I said just call it what you want! Eh, eh, eh call it what you want. Lol oops I sang.
Do you remember Monica Geller from the TV series, Friends? She is obsess with cleaning and organizing. And she is obsess with winning. If she lose, she felt anxious. She organize everything perfectly. When someone moved things that she organized, even just a small mistake, she'll like furious. She also described dry cleaner as her Disneyland! (read here at the Cleanliness and Orderliness section http://friends.wikia.com/wiki/Monica_Geller#cite_note-strippercries-2)
As freak as it sound, she was like me, except of course I'm not obsess with cleaning or organizing or whatever. I'm obsess with condition of my books. My novels! I even put my novels in special shelves where no books would ever put there or else I'll be furious. I don't know, it's just who I am. Even my own books, but if it is not a novel, it cannot put in together with my novels. Only mine.
I can't even look if my books being folded by accident even just teeny weeny little bit. No wa-ay! It must look as new just as like I first bought it. That's why I could cry if my own novel fell into a drain. I can't even see someone else's novels being.... "hurt".
I don't even write names on my novels. No, let the novels look exactly like how I bought it.
Do you know how I got this obsession?
1. I was, I forgot what age I was. It was when I was so young. When I was a kid. My mum bought me a Sherlock Holmes novel. I didn't really read it because I wasn't really interested in books. So I doodles, coloured the pictures and all. (I even tore one of the pages hehehe). But then my brother say what I was doing, so he told me that if I doodled novels, it'll make the book looks worse and makes us hardly keep it because of the condition. Since that, I never doodle my book. Except, when I was in standard 6, I did wrote down date when will I get the UPSR result because I didn't have any notebook with me so I just wrote down on my Princess Diaries novel :p
2. It was when I was form 1, two years ago to be exact. Wait, no, when I was 13. I don't know if I blogged about it. I brought Beautiful Creatures to be shown for my PLBS. Yeah, I chose my favourite novel for my topic. That time I was talking to Xiangjun in the class. Then, out of sudden, I put down my novel and when I checked.............. it was folded. Half. The cover page. Cover. Cover. COVER. Ouch it really hurts because I took care of it with full of care! (including put eyeliner on wherever that was whitened, I don't know how to say it, my English sucks, deal with it.)
I will never, ever, ever bring novels to school. But I brought Remember Me and see what happened? It was wet because it fell into a filthy wet drain.
Yeah. Sometimes some of people said I'm sort of a freak because of my obsession. They told me it wasn't really such a big deal. Uh, hello? It's a book. Novels. NOVELS. Even Nadilla is afraid to bring her novels to school. Wait, that was when we were form 1. I wonder if she still....
When we love something, when we are obsessed with something, those things can make our eyes produce tears you know. Literally.
it dropped in a filthy wet drain? of course it is a big issue! i mean,it's the longkang!
ReplyDeleteif i were you,i would be super sad too!
oops i used my another account.oh okay confession:i'm hana =)