this blog is just my past now. sometimes i'm only here for occasional rants/lepaskan geram that i hope no one will read anymore.

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Monday, January 30, 2012


This is not happening, no no no, this isn't. Why, why, why? Tell me why?!?!?!?!? I felt the hotness on my face, how I felt like I had fever, how I wanted wear a paper bag to cover my face, oh my god why.......... This isn't true, isn't? No, right? Tell me it's not true, tell me tell me tell me I just... I... uh....

I don't know what the hell am I talking about.

So, school today was fine. Kinda. I don't know. Pshh. I feel great when I could understand and know Maths ahahahahahaha lol k. Today our school was the location of a drama shooting. Ek ele, why so poyo those actors eceh ceh don't tell me that I'm jealous because I'm not. I'm a celebrity too ok lol wut.

Last night I didn't really have a good night sleep, as usual. You know how coward I am, that I hate sleeping at night, that I had to turn on the music so I won't hear voices in my mind. The best time for me to sleep is after dusk. Ohhh how it felt good to sleep after dawn................. but no, I have to go to school after dawn. Dang.

So I woke up kind of late because it took me hours for me to finally really sleep. Tried to sleep 12AM, can't. 1AM, can't. At last tried to sleep at 2AM, can't. I don't want to stay up at 3 in the morning. Because if yes, I won't be able to sleep at all. So I just thought of good stuffs, listening to songs that reminded me of something good. If Yuna says "Setiap gambar, ada lagu." Well, for me, "Setiap lagu, ada gambar." Lol.

The reason I couldn't really sleep well because I thought about what my mum's relative said when he stay overnight in my house yesterday. Ada benda kacau masa pukul 3 pagi. Macam kena cekik something and kena struggle sebab macam ada benda. Sampai nak baca ayat Kursi pun tak boleh sebab mulut tu macam kena tutup. So dia baca dalam hati ajelah. Then he told my mum, mum said dia pun pernah kena. TAK NAK KENA OMAGAD TAK NAK KENA, TAK NAK TAK NAK.

Memang malam tadi aku tak boleh tidur ah terfikir. Ish. So I tried to sleep well, think of something good, well I could sleep, but not really well. I really want to have a good night sleep. AT NIGHT. Not at day. Nikmat gila tidur siang ._.

So back to school. My dad woke me up, of course I didn't just wake up instantly. No. Lol. I tried to wake up, then I felt so lazy, then my dad pissed off and threatened me, "If you're late, I won't wait for you." Aiyer, daddy........ So I stretched, OH YEAAAAAAAH SIX FORTY AM WAKING UP IN THE MORNING, GOTTA GET FRESH, GOTTA GO DOWNSTAIR~~~~~~

Took a nice hot shower, then wore the uniforms. Took my bag, oh not to forget, Mai's Twilight Saga graphic novels and my Versus novel she wanted to borrow. YOU BETTER NOT TO RUIN THE BOOK, MAI, OK?! :p

I took my black socks, I mean, I'm a librarian ok ahaks wear black shoes yay. Went downstairs. HOLY SHIZZLE, I KINDA LATE TO SOLAT. Thank god I took my wudhuk, so I performed my Subuh prayer. Ok, couple of minutes more before 7. Yayerz, I wasn't that late hehehehehehe.

Reached school. Looked around the bus stop. Where the heck were Lissa and Nadilla? Walked through the aisle to the assembly and there they were, stood by the, what, pole? I don't know what to call it lol. I was kind of quiet. Then suddenly someone pushed me. Hah. What a rude, dang, I hate her, I know who did. So I chased her. Then we were laughing. Hahaha of course it was Nasuha, my crazy PA. Ahahaha, I call her my PA because she's really nice to me weeee hehehe. But I don't take her for granted. She's one of my very best friend.

Assembly. Blah blah blah, then the principal's "sepatah dua kata". Although the prefect said something like "Now I would like to invite our mother principal to say couple of words", I DON'T THINK COUPLE OF WORDS AT ALL. So the principal talked about few stuffs I don't really remember, then she said there will be a shooting that some of students cheered. Lol those people. Apakejadah ah hahaha.

Class. First class was English. Teacher asked us to do essays about our hero. I don't know who to decide between my father or my mother. Both are my heroes. So because I always say my dad as my hero, I decided to choose my mum for my essays this time. After English was Science. Science was kinda okay.......... Had to do this project for our class decoration -__- Then recess, there was an embarrassing moment. For me. How I felt? You can read back this post's introduction oh god. After recess was History. Yay teacher was absent :3 Then Maths. HOW CAN I FORGOT 2 QUESTIONS. So I've done the homeworks, but I left one question unanswered because it was hard. The teacher explained, man, it wasn't that hard -.- We learned about circles. Ew circles. Lol. After Maths was BM, the teacher still absent, you know, she just delivered baby months ago. When will you come back, teacher~*~*~*~ Almost February and still haven't learn about Bahasa Melayu. Then finally the class ended oh yeah. Balik rumah nak tidur :p

We went out from the class kind of early. So I sort of alone. I didn't follow Nad and Lissa to the toilet because I was so lazy. Waited at the bus stop, then Mai came. I asked her to take care of my Versus novel that I forgot to say thanks for lend me the Twilight book -.- I read her Mai-o-logy. MAI, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S VAS SAPENIN?! IT'S WHAT'S HAPPENING!!!! ZAYN MALIK'S TRADEMARK :3 Then I saw mah crazy PA, Nasuha. Had crazy talk with her. Then someone approached us. Guess who? Hint: Gang. Lol my gang, Abu. Tetiba mintak orang singgit ni pahal hahahaha. We had a nonsense conversation. Eceh, nonsense lah sangat. He asked me when to jog again. I said I am too lazy, or maybe because I'm trying to be "nice" by not hanging out with guys much. So he said, "Yeah, I know you're an artist.." Lol what...... Nasuha tried not to laugh. Then he said, "I mean, you always sing at home. So you're kinda a singer at home." HOK ALOH. Then Nasuha's van reached school. Bye Nasuha :-( Then I saw Lissa. Lissa!!! But then her van pun dah sampai. Left me with Abu. Aiyo, long time no talk eh, Abu :p Then Anis Z walked by us. ANIS!! We hugged lol. Then she asked me, why deactivated Twitter? I told her I don't know :B then I told her I activated a while last night and guess what? 0 FOLLOWERS AND 0 FOLLOWINGS. THE HELL?! Anis wanted to ask more but she was too late because Teha already far from her. Well, everyday Anis and Teha walk home together.

Finally my van came. Say goodbye to my gang, Abu. Babai. Had some childish conversation with Farhana in my van. Mmhmm.

Reached home. Hugged and kissed my dearest lil sister. Then performed Zuhur prayer then fell asleep.

I woke up, my kaklong got home already. Oh by the way, she'll get married this Wednesday so I can take day off at school this Wed, right? Hehehe. And not to forget HAZZA'S BIRTHDAY.

Goodbye and assalamu'alaikum. Sorry for this long boring post about today :p

1 comment:

  1. i dont think this is boring!

    i love this.remind me of high school memories! ;)
