Lol ignore the title. Saja je hahaha. I mean kebelakangan ni I talk in Malay a lot and read Malay novels and lately, I WATCH MALAY SHOW. Wait, satu je. Itu pun sebab macam best haha. You know what the hell I watch every Tuesday at 9? Haaaaaaa, some of you could guess, aite :b Yes, Vanila Coklat hahaha jangan gelakkan aku sebab aku tengok cerita Melayu. Tak salah pun, tak pelik pun......... That's the only Malay drama I watch ah. Eh that cerita macam best ok, macam dalam novel lololol.
I don't think it's necessary for me to tell what's the story about. Dulu pernah nak try tengok cerita Nora Elena, but selalu miss and macam malas nak tengok the whole series. Sumpah. Pernah tengok 2 episodes je, itu pun dapat tengok half je :b Ah, who cares about Aaron Aziz, dia dah tua haha. Vanila Coklat, Izara Aishah looks kinda chubby haha. But I like her for being short because I'm short too hahahahahahahaha. And that guy who plays Aamir, what's his name? Aiman eh? Aiman Mentor? So dia pandai menyanyi lah? :P He's kinda cute because of his eyebrows lol. And that gedik girl who plays Liana, what's her name? Bella something right? She's kinda pretty. And Iqram Dinzly dah biasa dah tengok dia kat TV dulu ahaks~
Eh, I watch Malay show once in a week je pun.............
Even my brother shook his head when found out I watch cerita Melayu. Lek ah bro, dah ah baru tengok Ombak Rindu and then you sang the song haha kantoi. Ombak Rindu is not really my taste lah. Look so fake...... Although I love Maya Karin and Lisa Surihani what...
SIX DAYS TO HAZZA'S BIRTHDAY! You know who? Harry Edward Styles yayerz! Oh Harry Harry Harry. You curly curly curly boy....
Anyway, that's all. Aiyerrr untouched homework.................. Bukan apa, I don't know what's the homework. LISSAAAAAAA, WHAT'S THE HOMEWORK?!?!?
Oh btw, can't believe my sister's getting married next week. On Harry's birthday, 1st February! Untunglah nikah masa birthday Harry Styles.... And hari gemilang cewah, I mean masa sanding pula 26 Februari. Nikah kat surau, bersanding kat dewan. Fuyo, TJ is gonna be mah bro in law. Dia Melayu, entah kenapa nama dia jadi TJ lol. Because I don't call my brothers 'abang' but I call them with their nicknames, TJ pun nickname kan? I call TJ je ah lol. Tak pernah dalam hidup ni aku panggil seorang lelaki 'abang'. Ada pun Abang long, abang ngah saudara aku pun aku panggil balong, bangah hahahaha.
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