Life's treating me... pretty much good. There are ups, there are downs, but mainly not much. I still live. I'm still alive. I survive. I'm okay.
Speak about 'okay', The Fault in Our Stars is currently my favourite book. John Green is a legend to me. I heard it will come out as a movie and it was confirmed that Shailene Woodley will be playing Hazel. Let's just hope the actor who plays Augustus freaking Waters is sexy and handsome and greek god and has sexy deep voice as he says, "Hazel Grace."
Shailene Woodley. Also will play Tris in Divergent movie oh dear god, I could not refrain my excitement. But why is it always her? She will snog both Augustus AND Four!!! Can I be her?
Haven't watched Beautiful Creatures movie though and I heard it sucks. Actually I've heard a lot of positive reviews but for a fan like me who already imagined the book, the movie pretty much ruined everything. The characters, the plots, everything is not the same. I mean, if I was the author I would want my own book's movie adaptation to be perfect. How I described the characters, how the plot lines work, everything. Sure, you could cut some unnecessary things and change a bit of the dialogues, yeah that pretty much sufficed. Now I could not read the last book since my Ethan Wate is no longer... there. The one I imagined. Instead, it's some not-so-attractive guy who plays Ethan in the movie, sigh.
Enough with that. This year has turned out better than last year. Most people say they miss 2012, they miss PMR life, but I don't. Not really. Granted, this year is great. Last year sucks and the only highlight of the year is when I went to Makkah, I met The Wanted and I became an aunt.
Alright, 2012 was sweet.
Oh, and Tom from The Wanted followed me on twitter!!!!
From my academical, I pretty much make a progress, alhamdulillah. I'm an account student and suffice to say the stream kind of suits me. When I was in form 1, I despised Maths. I always got D. And in form 2, I failed Maths by getting only 27%. In form 3, I improved a bit and I finally got A for my PMR. Guess what? I actually love Add Maths. Unbelievable, right? Alhamdulillah.
Sometimes, being underestimated has its perks. People underestimated you, you surprised them with your accomplishment and your achievement. The feeling's awesome. Their faces are priceless as they see how capable you are. Take underestimation as a challenge.
And when someone smart corrects you, you should accept instead of thinking they're bragging. They correct you, so you should feel grateful rather than you face future embarrassment for repeating the same mistake you'd done. Look at smart people and think them as your challenge, your rivalry. Life's a battle (lol wow najla is being.... philosopher)
And if you're smart, you just don't simply brag about it and look down at people who are... well, less smart than you. No one is stupid. Everyone's the same, except maybe yeah the IQ level is different but everyome is smart. We're humans, God has created us with brains. What make us different is our ability. Like Albert Einstein said,
I just want to live my life right.
Oh and I would like to rant about some teachers at school. I hate it when they treat students based on the students' smartness. I hate it when all they care about is the school's reputation instead of the students' ability. Instead of the students' interest. Who knows, a person's regret could have been caused by a teacher.
And then when we, the students, are dissatisfied, WE will always get the blame. We could not stand up to our right. And then what? Ilmu tak berkat. No blessing. Oh and the teachers who never know us, never teach us, underestimate us just by seeing our results. Like...
I couldn't live in this bloody planet anymore with the horrible education system. Have a good day.
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