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Monday, June 24, 2013

Dear Friend,

I think it is time for you and me to just be acquaintance. Not best friends. I don't even know why are we "best friends" in the first place when we barely even have fun conversations. On top of that, I think I've had more fun talking to some other acquaintances more than you.

Look, I am not the type of person who just break off a friendship bond just like that. I don't even like losing friends. But the thing is, everything in this friendship is wrong. Well, I do enjoy taking funny pictures with you, that's the only good thing. We're very comfortable in taking funny pictures together more than with everyone else. I am going to miss that. Maybe next time we hang out together we should take more photos together just for old time's sake?

Gee, I sound like we had a lesbian affair, which makes me very, very, very uncomfortable.

I think it's best for us to be just friends instead of 'BFF' because;

1. We had a lot of things in common, yes, but sometimes it's like you judge things that I like and I kind of hate some things that you love. Guilty as charged.

2. Most of the things in our conversation is... silence. Aaaawkward.

3. I find myself having to contemplate in my mind before saying things whenever we hang out because... I don't know. I cannot be open minded with you. And I am very open minded. There is no freedom of speech unless we rant about some things that I no longer feel enthusiastic about.

4. Usually it's always the same thing in our convo. We have limited common things...

5. Our encounter involves 'hi' and 'bye'.

6. We barely text on phone anymore!

7. We never had a phone call conversation, except when it's important like you're outside of my house or me asking where the hell is your house.

GOD, I sound so freaking mean right now! But seriously, were we best friends just because we feel comfortable with each other to take funny pictures together? Since it is because you are quite a reserve person and people find it kind of hard to take troll pictures with you.

Well that - I feel honour to make you put your guard down. I think we should be close friends now. I love you, amigo.

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