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Thursday, May 7, 2015

gender roles

"i'm not like most girls." "ew makeup." "i prefer having boys as best friend more because less drama." "i hate chick flicks too!" 

first of all, i, as a girl, do admit that some girls could be a disgrace and degrading to themselves but so could guys. the wrong thing is when girls degrading other girls, automatically degrading the whole population of girls and therefore, making girls appear as stupid, weak creature instead of precious jewel of the Earth. 

it frustrates me to no end to see some girls make comments about other girls, creating a girl fight over something so childish. even worse when neither of them did wrong, but it was because of another guy who broke both of their hearts. i get that girls are sensitive, but YOU are a girl, you should understand the emotional ride girls going through. don't blame other girls for not having that slight testosterone in your body while some girls have that full oestrogen going on. humans work different ways and just because you're less girly, does not mean you're a lot cooler. just because you're girly, doesn't mean you're weak and in need of a knight in shining armour. 

most females are appeared more as an object. but so do men. humans are beautiful creatures that we all appreciate. when females are objectified as "hot", "sexy" and so on, you call it sexist, but when men are, you call it... appreciative. and men take pride in it (sometimes) 

another thing i've heard is female appears to be softer, more feminine, gentle, weak. females need grace. this is not true. females can be anything while being a female. they are beautiful, they have strength. you compare giving birth to being kicked in the groin? let me ask you, do you necessarily get kicked in your groin as much as girls get their period monthly and having to carry YOUR child? this question, of course, applies to men. if you need to compare something, don't compare something that you don't necessarily get. it's not like your job is to get your groin being kicked. it's not like being kicked in the groin gets you something, it's not like being kicked in the groin is a natural phenomena or something. you get kicked in the groin for being a horrible person, if you're being a horrible person. you get kicked for a misunderstanding which does not happen a lot. you have your groin under control. 

if you ask me, i would say females win on that one. they're strong for that. 

i know most leaders are males, but that does not mean the society is a sexist for picking a man as a leader. just because a man is given bigger responsibility of leadership, that does not mean men are any better than women. it's all about the balance. being a leader maybe means power to some people, but it does not take control over everything. it doesn't mean women's capability are doubted. you don't underestimate the capability of a woman. but at times, it's about the brain work. some women could be a lot more intimidating than men, but most of the times, men have more patience than women which is what we need in leadership. but when it comes to smartness, i don't feel like judging this because both women and men have their own specialty in their own department. 

i believe my God has created everything in Earth with justice. men have weakness and you know what that is? their dirty minds, their uncontrollable hormones sometimes. but that doesn't mean girls don't feel those ways too, but guys... guys have it more bad since girls could control that. why? because they have other things they worry about. they have their bloody down under, they have their instinct to look good (yes, guys get that, but at least guys don't even need to wear makeup. you still look normal with your bare face while girls appear to look more tired without makeup so they wear it. some don't wear it, but that's totally up to them, but they still want to look good somewhere. their hair. or outfit. doesn't necessarily mean makeup) 

now that i write all of these, i find myself so annoying for comparing female and male. the point is, embrace yourself and stop judging others for their choices! or their hormones! or how their brain works! i say we all are equal, no one takes control over no one (except mums and dads. we need to listen to our parents, y'all but still, it's our life) and stop embarrassing each other! stop degrading each other! i get some of you have pet peeves, annoyed by some things but HEY, NEWS FLASH: THAT IS YOUR PERSONAL PROBLEM. it's called an opinion, which you can choose to keep it to yourself instead of hurting someone else. just don't be a horrible person. don't be an asshole. be yourself, let others be themselves, except if you have that evil vibe going on, that's your demon, not you. get it out, don't murder anyone. don't torture anyone because of your weird kinkiness. 

have a good day. 

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